Diversity & Inclusion

Our commitment to our members, community and beyond

“Anti-racism is the commitment to fight racism wherever you find it, including in yourself. And it's the only way forward.”

– Ijeoma Oluo, author of The New York Times bestseller So You Want to Talk about Race

It is with the utmost conviction that Royal River Chorus stands against systemic and institutional racism. We join our greater Sweet Adelines barbershop community in acknowledging the racist history of our organization.

Royal River Chorus believes meaningful change requires our ongoing commitment. We pledge to listen and to share what we learn. We will continually use our platform, our resources and, ultimately, our voices to intentionally advance the eradication of social injustice.


  • Promoting an inclusive culture while striving for diversity of membership
  • Educating members about racial inequalities, unjust stereotyping and white privilege.
  • Fostering a deeper understanding of song lyrics and overall messages
  • Amplifying broader perspectives in the minds of our members and audiences through song and presentation

As Sweet Adelines International moves into an exciting and inspirational future that embraces musical excellence, empowers members, and fosters a worldwide, diverse culture of belonging, Royal River Chorus also recommits to our broader platform, emphasizing our belief in valuing and respecting others regardless of race, religion or sexual orientation.

Our hearts, minds and arms are open and inclusive. We have a longstanding reputation as a chorus whose harmony of spirit inspires our harmony in song, and we look forward to sharing that with everyone.

In Harmony,
The Singers of Royal River Chorus

Copyright © 2024 Royal River Chorus